Sexual harassment by supervisors and co-workers in retail stores is very common. If you have been sexually harassed in a retail environment, it may be necessary to make a claim with either the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH) or the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). It is wise to speak with an experienced employment law attorney for help with filing a claim and to discuss your legal options, including possible compensation for damages such as emotional distress, psychological damage and financial damages.
The injury attorneys at Winer, Burritt, Scott & Jacobs, LLP, can walk you through the legal process step by step, ensuring that your rights are protected throughout and working to hold liable parties accountable for inadequate prevention and damages.
Call us today at (510) 433-1000 for a free consultation.
Free Case Evaluations | Discreet, Confidential Consultations
Many of our clients are afraid of losing their jobs if they formally file a complaint with their employer or with a government agency. You have nothing to fear. If your employer or supervisor retaliates in any way, your employer can be held strictly liable in a sexual harassment lawsuit. Our team of trial lawyers has decades of experience, and our record of success at trial influences most defendants to settle favorably prior to trial. We protect your rights, and we pursue your best possible result in your best interests.
How Do You Know If You Were Sexually Harassed?
There are several different types of sexual harassment. It can be physical, verbal, visual or implied. If a supervisor implies that your job depends on performing a sexual act, going out on a date with him or her, or wearing sexually degrading clothing, you may have a case for sexual harassment. It is important to discuss your specific situation with an attorney. In most cases, unwelcome and unwanted conduct of a sexual nature is harassment, and it can target both men and women. You do not have to put up with sexually degrading photos or posters in the workplace, lewd notes or offensive comments.
Contact Winer, Burritt, Scott & Jacobs, LLP
We handle sexual harassment cases for retail workers throughout California. Email or call us at (510) 433-1000 in Oakland or Los Angeles. We pursue all cases on a contingency fee basis.
**We do not represent perpetrators of sexual harassment or those who are accused of sexually harassing behavior.