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Over $225 Million Recovered For Our Clients

Obscene or Offensive Gestures Harassment

Many of our clients do not initially realize that inappropriate gestures may constitute sexual harassment. However, such gestures of a sexual nature are one of the key factors that can create a hostile work environment in any industry.

A hostile work environment causes decreased work performance as a result of intimidating, abusive or offensive actions. Whether a co-worker, supervisor or employer uses obscene or offensive gestures as harassment toward you or another co-worker, you should speak with our California lawyers about your legal options.

At Winer, Burritt, Scott & Jacobs, LLP, we protect workers by taking necessary legal action to halt sexual harassment and build strong cases on behalf of our clients. Being the subject of sexual harassment in the workplace can have far greater impacts than day-to-day humiliation. Damages to your personal dignity, emotional distress, decreased pay and reduced opportunities at work can all result from sexual harassment whether it occurs once or is repetitive. You may be able to seek monetary compensation for all of these damages.

For a free consultation, call us today at (510) 433-1000.

What Should You Do If You See A Sexually Offensive Gesture In The Workplace?

Some employers do not take action when such instances are reported. If you feel intimidated or emotionally distressed after being sexually harassed, you should speak with an experienced attorney. You do not deserve to suffer in a hostile work environment.

It is important to seek legal advice after you have been sexually harassed whether it took place at work or at a job-related function or activity. If you have a case, we will help you file a claim with state authorities and build a case for appropriate legal action.

With more than 60 years of combined legal experience, our partner attorneys advocate for and protect plaintiffs throughout California. We have obtained significant six- and seven-figure sexual harassment lawsuit verdicts and settlements, and we are members of the Multi-Million Dollar Advocates Forum. We are recognized as some of the top employee discrimination and harassment attorneys in the U.S., and we want to help you obtain justice.

Schedule A Free Consultation With An Attorney

Sexual harassment attorneys Winer, Burritt, Scott & Jacobs, LLP,  protect our clients’ legal rights aggressively. Contact us at (510) 433-1000 to speak with a knowledgeable attorney.

**We do not represent perpetrators of sexual harassment or those who are accused of sexually harassing behavior.

If You Are Wronged, We Will Make It Right. Schedule A Free Confidential Consultation At Winer, Burritt, Scott & Jacobs, LLP, we empower our clients. We take on the largest law firms, toughest insurance defense lawyers and largest companies with confidence. * Bold text labels are required for submission | We practice in California only.

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