Plaintiffs were two men in their early twenties who suffered from opiate addiction. Both had attended prior drug rehabilitation facilities, however, they had relapsed. The defendant and director of the facility, a medical doctor, befriended both young men separately and invited them to his house and attempted to sexually assault them. After several sexual assault attempts both young men independently came forward and reported the mistreatment by the perpetrator. The facility denied responsibility for the acts of the perpetrator and took the position that plaintiffs were overstating the injuries that they suffered from what the facility characterized as relatively minor sexual assaults (There was no actual sexual touching).
Once Winer, Burritt, Scott & Jacobs, LLP were hired, they retained an expert witness that did an in-depth evaluation of both plaintiffs and found them to be severely psychologically injured and taken advantage of by their perpetrator. Further, Winer, Burritt, Scott & Jacobs, LLP conducted extensive discovery which indicated that the facility knew or should have known of the inappropriate behavior by the perpetrator with multiple patients including the two plaintiffs.
RESULT: $800,000 Settlement on behalf of plaintiffs.