Plaintiff in this case was a man in his mid 20’s who was involved in a serious collision with a newspaper truck.
As a result of the accident, plaintiff partially lost his sense of smell, fractured his wrist and developed a mild traumatic brain injury.
The defense claimed that the accident was partially the plaintiff’s fault because he was speeding, that the plaintiff did not have any radiographic evidence of a traumatic brain injury or injury which could cause a loss of smell and that his wrist injury healed quickly and he was back to work.
The law offices of Winer, Burritt, Scott & Jacobs, LLP, retained a team of experts who concluded that it was the defendant who was at fault for the accident and not the plaintiff, that plaintiff in fact had internal injuries which could explain the loss of smell and that plaintiff suffered from a mild traumatic brain injury which would not disable him, but would impair his ability to work.
RESULT: $650,000 settlement on behalf of the plaintiff