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Lawsuit: Fatal accident caused by dangerous railroad crossing

Although it is only May, there have been a number of high-profile, fatal crashes between trains and automobiles this year. The United States has thousands of “grade crossings,” where train tracks and roads intersect at ground level. While some are well marked and have high visibility, there are far too many crossings so poorly maintained […]

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Takata just announced the largest auto recall in U.S. history

Last year was a record-setting year for auto recalls. Although the General Motors ignition switch scandal was the most prominent story, dozens of automakers issued recalls for safety defects in their own vehicles. There were more vehicles recalled in the U.S. in 2014 than during any other year since the invention of the automobile. But […]

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Bay Area balcony collapse blamed on rotted structural wood

It has been a difficult month for Bay Area residents after hearing the news of a tragic and fatal balcony collapse. On June 16, six young adults were killed and another seven were seriously injured when the balcony of a Berkeley apartment building detached from the building and plummeted five stories to the street below. […]

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Could this be a solution to drunk driving accidents?

When it comes to solving society's most vexing problems, there are disagreements over the best approaches to take. Many Americans believe that legislators and other elected officials should be responsible for solving problems by passing and enforcing laws. But there are those who believe that technology can solve at least some of the problems that […]

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Report: California leads the nation in dog-related injuries

Most dog owners know that their pets are not automatically socialized with other dogs and people. Dogs have to be taught how to behave and respect others’ space. In fact, not properly training and controlling a dog can have serious consequences like bites and knockdowns. With that in mind, you might be interested in the […]

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Toyota recall scandal results in another court loss for automaker

With the major auto recall scandals of the past year, it is easy to forget about earlier events that dominated the news just a few years ago. Perhaps the most notable was the Toyota recall related to sticking pedals and issues of “sudden, unintended acceleration.” The first cases to make headlines involved devastating car accidents […]

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Damage cap could leave Amtrak train crash victims shortchanged

Travel by rail has long been a transportation option in the United States, but use of trains has not been widespread. For most of the past century, the automobile has been king, largely thanks to an impressive highway system and the cost effectiveness of mass production. Here in California, light rail trains have come into […]

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Drunk drivers over the July 4th holiday

This coming weekend there is a fairly good chance that people throughout the Oakland area will celebrate the nation’s birthday by consuming alcoholic beverages. In situations such as this it is likely that some people will get into their car to drive despite being over the legal limit. As a result of that activity it […]

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Fatal building collapse brings criminal charges & lawsuits

In news reports about construction and demolition accidents, the injured victims are often workers doing the construction or demolition. They may have been harmed due to negligent planning, unsafe working conditions or a host of other safety hazards. As tragic as these cases are, it is even more tragic to hear about construction/demolition accidents that […]

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Possibly drunk driver kills 1 pedestrian, injures 5 others

While the following story is a bit older, it brings up the very important matter of pedestrian accidents. In this case, the accident turned tragic when a drunk driver plowed into numerous pedestrians on the sidewalk. The wreck occurred last month in Vallejo, California, when a 65-year-old man was allegedly driving around with alcohol in […]

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