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San Francisco wrongful death lawsuit ends in $4 million award

As we have written many times in previous posts, the Bay Area is a dangerous place for bicyclists and pedestrians. Everything from street design to traffic laws tends to favor drivers while putting cyclists and pedestrians at risk. Advocacy groups are working on improving the rights and protections of non-motorized travelers, but progress is slow. […]

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What happens if I am found to be liable for my own injuries?

One of the primary purposes of personal injury litigation is to give plaintiffs an opportunity to obtain compensation for injuries they suffer as a result of the negligence of another party. Building a strong personal injury case, therefore, depends on being able to demonstrate that the other party acted negligently and on connecting that negligence […]

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Alcohol’s effects on driving ability start after just 1 drink

It is a common excuse given by drunk drivers after they cause a serious auto accident that they did not "feel" impaired. They did notice any limitations to their motor skills, senses or judgment, so they got behind the wheel. Many of these drivers were telling the truth, in the sense that they really did […]

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Distracted driving: The contradiction between belief and practice

Most psychologists and sociologists would tell you that there is often a disconnect between what people say they want and what they actually want. The same is true with self-reported behavior. People are far more likely to report behaving in a way that they consider to be “good” than replying with an honest answer that […]

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Employers may share liability when on-duty workers drink & drive

We have previously written about the all-too-frequent hazard of drunk driving. Despite strong laws and public safety campaigns, drunk driving accidents kill approximately 10,000 people each year and injure countless others on U.S. roads and highways. If you or a loved one was involved in an accident with a drunk driver, you may wish to […]

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The right firm to help you seek justice for your injured child

If you have children, you are probably all too familiar with the frequent worry and fear that parents face as their children grow and begin to explore the world. We can’t always protect our kids from skinned knees and bee stings, but we do everything in our power to keep our children safe from the […]

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Caldecott Tunnel accident recalls disaster of 33 years ago

Do you get claustrophobic when driving in a tunnel? If so, this story isn’t going to make your phobia any better, especially if you live in the Oakland area. During Monday morning’s commute, 60 people were told to abandon their vehicles in the Caldecott Tunnel after an accident occurred and caused a smoky car fire […]

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Know the signs of a serious head injury in children

Children can suffer serious head injuries after a car accident or other type of accident that results in trauma to the head. While some head injuries are minor, it is important for parents to understand the signs and symptoms of a serious head injury to protect their child from further damage.  Immediate medical attention is […]

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Parents will soon be able to spy on their teens’ driving habits

We have previously written about the contradictory messages the auto industry seems to be sending to drivers. On one hand, new vehicles are increasingly offering “infotainment” systems that may include a dash-mounted touch screen and ways to wirelessly pair your cellphone to the vehicle in order to play music, take phone calls and send hands-free […]

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Pedestrian accidents high in California

Pedestrian accidents are all too common in Oakland and throughout California. Last year, an estimated 700 pedestrians were killed in accidents in California.  A new study by the Governor's Highway Safety Association found that California has a high number of fatal pedestrian accidents. In fact, the state "has one of the highest number of pedestrian […]

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