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Understanding the Signs of Sexual Abuse by a Coach

Parents trust coaches to be guides and mentors to their children. Unfortunately, there are a few individuals who take advantage of their position of authority. Sexually abusive relationships between coaches and their players aren’t uncommon and have similar warning signs. Knowing these red flags will help parents identify and intervene in inappropriate relationships. Signs of […]

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Social Media And Workplace Harassment

In today’s technology-driven world, we’ve moved beyond water-cooler gossip. With email and social media, we can instantly share information with fellow employees. This also opens a world of possibilities for workplace bullying. Using Facebook messenger, Twitter, Instagram, or Snapchat, employees can send offensive messages in seconds. While many employees may just dismiss their harassment as […]

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The Bystander Effect of Workplace Bullying

We like to think that we leave bullying behind when we leave high school, but the reality is that most of us probably know someone who has been the victim of workplace harassment. As many as 70 percent of women and 45 percent of men have been victims of sexual harassment at some point in […]

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Common Medications That Can Impair Driving

Driving may seem like second nature, but it’s a complex skill that requires quick judgement, reaction time, and motor skills. Unfortunately, there are several over-the-counter and prescription drugs that may affect a driver’s ability to navigate the road effectively. Here are some of the most common medications that impair driving: Antihistamines Itchy, watery eyes, and […]

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The Silent Effect of Workplace Bullying: PTSD

We often associate bullying with playground harassment and mean-spirited teens. But even adults are prone to bullying. Harassment in the workplace can take a physical, mental, and emotional toll on the victim. In fact, intense workplace bullying over a long period of time can even lead to a serious condition known as post-traumatic stress disorder […]

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Pursuing compensation after an amusement park ride accident

With summer still going strong, Californians in the Bay Area are enjoying the many traditions associated with the season. That includes going to Disneyland, Six Flags and many other amusement parks across the state. As recent history shows, improbable personal injuries can occur at amusement parks (like the measles outbreak at Disneyland earlier this year). […]

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Texting and driving still common, despite law, risk and shocking statistics

When drivers text, their eyes are taken off the road for an average of five seconds. If the vehicle is travelling at 55 miles per hour, it can cover 100 yards, the length of a football field, in that time. A lot can happen in 100 yards — sudden changes in road conditions, vehicles stopping […]

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Can a victim’s family seek compensation from a drunk driver?

According to the Centers for Disease Control, 30 people die every day in the United States in drunk-driving accidents, which equates to one death every 51 minutes. To say that drunk driving is a problem in our country would be an understatement because it's something that oftentimes leaves families and loved ones grieving and in […]

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Celebrity sues Benihana for burn injuries suffered in restaurant

In the world of restaurant dining, one type of experience is theatrical as well as delicious. Japanese restaurants featuring hibachi grills (also called teppanyaki grills) are very popular in large cities across California and throughout the United States. The trained chefs manning the grills often perform tricks, including interesting stacking of food ingredients and flipping […]

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How well do you know your car’s safety features?

We often write about the ways in which technology is changing the driving experience – for better and worse. On one hand, drivers who text and use handheld electronic devices put themselves and others at risk of a serious accident. On the other hand, automobile safety technology is constantly improving, allowing the car itself to […]

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