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Back to School Injury Prevention

The beginning of the school year is a busy time for parents and their kids, and the bustle of the first days of a new school year can sometimes lead to injuries. Parents want to ensure their kids are ready for the new school year and follow some best practices to prevent child injuries early in the year. Consider the following tips for back to school safety:

  • Make sure you know where your children’s bus stop will be and what time it will arrive. Avoid having to rush in the mornings so your children are not tempted to run to the bus stop. Children should know to wait until the bus comes to a complete stop and opens the door before approaching the bus.
  • When children approach or disembark a school bus, make sure they know to check before crossing, and, if a child must cross the street, always cross in front of the school bus where the driver can see.
  • Most buses don’t have seat belts, but if your children’s does, make sure they know how important it is to use and how to do so.
  • If you live close enough for your children to walk to school, only allow them to do so if they are old enough and feel ready to walk alone safely.
  • For children who walk to school, parents should check the walking route before the school year starts and practice walking with their children. This will help kids feel safer about walking and also give parents an idea of what time the kids need to leave to make it to school on time. If possible, try to have your child walk to school with a group of other students who live nearby and attend the same school.
  • Make sure your children know what to do in the event a stranger approaches them.
  • Parents who drive their children to school should follow all posted traffic signs, especially those in school zones. Most school zones require drivers to slow down below the posted speed limits during certain times of the day. Failing to follow these signs could lead to fines from police and may endanger children in the area who are walking to school.
  • If a child rides a bicycle to school, make sure the bike is in good condition before allowing the child to ride it. Additionally, all children should wear acceptable helmets and pads when riding their bikes to prevent injuries.
  • Bullying is still an unfortunate problem facing many American children at school. At the start of a new school year, pay close attention to your child’s behavior if anything seems out of the ordinary. If you suspect bullying or your child tells you he or she is facing bullying at school, do not hesitate to confront the school administration about the issue and ensure your child’s safety.

These are just a few tips to keep you, your children, and other kids safe for the new school year. Use your best judgment to help your kids have a safe and productive school year free from injuries.

UC Berkeley Law Dean takes Leave of Absence after Sexual Harassment Accusations

Winer, Burritt & Tillis LLP, is one or California’s leading law firms representing victims of sexual harassment, discrimination and other employment law violations. The firm is noted for its results-oriented approach to litigation and ability to get results for its clients. Every day, Winer, Burritt & Tillis LLP fights vigorously for the rights and dignity of employees.

After Tyann Sorrell, an administrative assistant had suffered months of unwanted hugs, kisses and physical contact by Dean Sujit Choudhry, Dean of Berkeley Law School, she turned to Winer, Burritt & Tillis LLP. On March 8, 2016, John D. Winer and Shawn D. Tillis filed a sexual harassment lawsuit, and the next day, Mr. Choudhry took a leave of absence from his post as Dean, though he remains on the faculty.

The University of California has long had a code of conduct concerning sexual harassment and administrative procedures for dealing with allegations of such conduct. But it has struggled when facing actual complaints from administrative staff, students and faculty. The Sorrell case has sparked an outcry on the Berkeley campus, coming after two previous sexual harassment cases involving an astronomy professor and a former Dean of the Law School.

It would appear that the action taken by Winer, Burritt & Tillis LLP, was the catalyst in drawing attention to a pattern of serious sexual harassment problems at the University of California.

The case has drawn wide attention in the media, including the following articles:

New York TimesSexual Harassment Cases Tarnish Berkeley’s Image as a Center of Social Activism

This article discusses the tarnished legacy of the University of California, Berkeley. School administration is being called into question by alumni and students, concerned that the administration is failing to foster a safe learning and work environment.

A civil suit filed by Tyan Sorrell, a Berkeley alumnae and former employee, through John D. Winer of the firm Winer, McKenna & Burritt LLP, is yet another example of how this educational institution is falling short in the community on its image as a center for social activism. In an interview with Sorrell, she comments on her sexual harassment case against Sujit Choudhry, former dean of Berkeley Law School, stating “I’ve worked for many high-level execs in Fortune 500 companies, and I’ve never seen anyone behave the way he has.”

Washington PostU.C. Berkeley Law dean on ‘indefinite leave of absence’ after sexual harassment suit

The article quotes University of California’s Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost Claude Steele as saying: “A thorough investigation of this case found that Dean Choudhry’s behavior in this situation violated policy and that he demonstrated a failure to understand the power dynamic and the effect of his actions on the plaintiff personally and in her employment. Based on the findings of the investigation I believed that a combination of disciplinary actions, monitoring of his behavior and formal training would be an appropriate and effective response, and would produce the necessary changes in his behavior.”

Winer, McKenna & Burritt’s position is that these actions are an inadequate response to the gravity of the behavior and the extent of Tyann Sorrell’s suffering. The firm intends to move forward with the lawsuit.

New York TimesBerkeley Law School Dean Was Harasser, a Suit Says

The New York Times article notes that after the lawsuit was announced, Berkeley Law School said that Mr. Choudhry would take an indefinite leave of absence and step down to his faculty position and salary. It quotes attorney John Winer as saying about the case: “If you think of maybe the last person on earth who would do this, you would think it would be the dean of one of the most prestigious law schools in the country.”

San Jose Mercury NewsUC Berkeley draws fire over sex harassment case, law school dean steps down

The article states that Sujit Choudhry’s admitted that he had hugged, kissed and caressed his administrative assistant, Tyann Sorrell, and that it was his way of “saying thanks” after a long day of work. It also says that the dean “took a one-year, 10 percent pay cut and was ordered to undergo counseling – and to write Sorrell an apology.”

In response, Tyann Sorrell said “I was insulted when I heard the disciplinary actions, and though I wasn’t asking for his termination, it was ever so apparent to me that it was a slap on the wrist for them.”

ABC7 NewsUC Berkeley law school dean accused of sexual harassment goes on indefinite leave

This article conveys the extent and depth of Ms. Sorrel’s suffering and the determination of John Winer and his team to win the case.

After stating that the offensive behavior started in 2014 shortly after the Dean arrived and that it soon escalated, the article quotes John Winer as saying: “It built up to daily bear hugs where he’d press her into him and then continue to kiss her on the cheek. She said this behavior happened every day and the only thing he disputed was that it only happened once or twice per week.”

The Chronicle of Higher EducationBerkeley Is Under Fire, Again, for How It Handled Sexual Harassment

After stating the basic facts of the case and the disciplinary actions that the University of California took regarding Dean Choudhry, this article quotes Tyann Sorrell’s doubts as to whether they would have any real effect:

“The dean is one man,” said Ms. Sorrell, who is on leave with pay and looking for a job. “I’m not sure his stepping down is going to make a huge difference if change doesn’t happen on the systemic level to stop sexual harassment.”

One benefit of Winer, McKenna & Burritt’s lawsuit could be to persuade the University to take concrete actions to change the campus environment concerning sexual harassment issues.

CBS NewsDean of Berkeley law school steps down amid sexual harassment suit

One of the most revealing passages in this articles reads: “In her lawsuit, the married mother of five said she worked for the school’s previous dean without incident for two years. She says the problems with Choudhry started within months of his becoming dean in July 2014.”

CBS Bay AreaUC Berkeley Law School Dean On Leave Following Sexual Harassment Suit

This article contains some details about the case that other sources have not reported, including this quote: “I can’t put into words how unprotected and unsupported I felt,” Sorrell told KPIX 5.”

It shows the importance of retaining the services of an experienced employment law firm such as Winer, Burritt & Tillis LLP, that can provide both emotional support and aggressive representation.

The Sacramento BeeUC Berkeley draws fire over sex harassment case, law school dean steps down

This article notes that “if it weren’t for the lawsuit, Choudhry’s actions would still be largely unknown to the public. UC Berkeley has failed to release records concerning employees disciplined for sexual harassment and misconduct in response to a Public Records Act request filed by this newspaper in early November. The campus says it does not keep such records centrally and has yet to hear back from all of the offices that hold them.”

The discovery process that Winer, Burritt & Tillis LLP, undertakes could produce more revelations about the University’s procedural failings in sexual harassment investigations.

Daily Journal: Provost Had Minimal Guidance When Punishing Former Law School Dean

This article discusses that punishment of UC Berkeley School of Law Dean Sujit Choudhry was determined with minimal guidance from the university system by a school administrator. The Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost of UC Berkeley School of Law, Claude M. Steele, states “University policy does not give guidance on sanctions, so administrators have to exercise discretion and judgment in every case they confront.”

Plaintiff Tyan Sorrell is currently on leave. Her attorney, John D. Winer of Winer, McKenna & Burritt LLP, says Steele’s first concern was not Tyann. That’s why he told her he was concerned about ruining the dean’s career,” Winer said. “Obviously, Tyann is more replaceable, but just because she makes five times less than the dean doesn’t mean she is more expendable.”

Press Release 4/6/16 – UC Berkley Sexual Harassment Victim Tyann Sorrell Reacts to 463 Page Freedom Information Documents

ComplaintFormal complaint filed by John Winer of Winer, McKenna & Burrit, LLP

Press Conference Quotes by John WinerApril 6, 2016 Press Conference Quotes by John Winer of Winer, Burritt & Tillis LLP

Dean’s Apology Letter – UC Berkley Law School Dean Sujit Choudhry’s formal apology letter to Tyann Sorrell

Faculty Code of Conduct and Disciplinary ProceduresFaculty Code of Conduct and Disciplinary Procedures for the Berkeley Campus

KRON 4 NewsReport: 19 UC Berkeley employees violated harassment policy

Full coverage

UC Berkeley reveals more staff members involved in sexual misconduct

Jamestown Sun – 1 hour ago

SAN FRANCISCO – The University of California Berkeley released new records that revealed 12 staff members violated the school’s sexual misconduct policy over the past five years, bringing the number of employees involved in such cases over that time …

UC Berkeley sex scandals: Records expose rampant violations

San Jose Mercury News – 2 hours ago

BERKELEY — A trove of investigative and disciplinary documents released by UC Berkeley in the midst of an unfolding sexual harassment scandal reveals 19 employees — including six faculty members — were found to be in violation of the university’s …

UC Berkeley Sexual Harassment Scandal: School’s Sexual Assault History Revealed

Morning Ledger – 2 hours ago

A UC Berkeley sexual harassment scandal is certainly surprising news for the esteemed educational institution, but as new documents begin to surface we now know that 19 different employees of UCB are involved in sexual harassment cases against …

More UC Berkeley sex-harassment cases revealed

KTVU San Francisco – 4 hours ago

The sex-harassment scandal at UC Berkeley grew bigger today, with news that 19 university employees violated campus policies, much more than what was previously known. Posted:Apr 06 2016 05:17PM PDT. Updated:Apr 06 2016 05:27PM PDT. (KTVU) …

UC Berkeley staffer takes a stand for sexual harassment victims

San Jose Mercury News – 4 hours ago

When Tyann Sorrell was agonizing over whether to come forward with a sexual harassment complaint about her boss, UC Berkeley’s law school dean, she sat down for a long phone call with her dad. Like Sorrell, he was worried. If his daughter took a stand …

More Berkeley Professors Shown To Have Violated Sexual Misconduct Policy

Huffington Post – 4 hours ago

SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) – The University of California Berkeley released new records that revealed 12 staff members violated the school’s sexual misconduct policy over the past five years, bringing the number of employees involved in such cases over …

UC Berkeley’s image in question after several sexual harassment allegations surface

KGO-TV – 4 hours ago

The University of California Berkeley is dealing with a series of sexual harassment allegations, many involving key faculty and staff, and it’s threatening to ruin its image. (KGO-TV) …

UC Berkeley staffer takes a stand for sexual harassment victims

San Jose Mercury News – 5 hours ago

When Tyann Sorrell was agonizing over whether to come forward with a sexual harassment complaint about her boss, UC Berkeley’s law school dean, she sat down for a long phone call with her dad. Like Sorrell, he was worried. If his daughter took a stand …

UC Berkeley reveals more staff members involved in sexual misconduct

WHBL Sheboygan – 5 hours ago

SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) – The University of California Berkeley released new records that revealed 12 staff members violated the school’s sexual misconduct policy over the past five years, bringing the number of employees involved in such cases over …

UC Berkeley reveals more staff members involved in sexual misconduct

Midwest Communication – 5 hours ago

SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) – The University of California Berkeley released new records that revealed 12 staff members violated the school’s sexual misconduct policy over the past five years, bringing the number of employees involved in such cases over …

UC Berkeley reveals more staff members involved in sexual misconduct

KDAL – 5 hours ago

SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) – The University of California Berkeley released new records that revealed 12 staff members violated the school’s sexual misconduct policy over the past five years, bringing the number of employees involved in such cases over …

UC Berkeley reveals more staff members involved in sexual misconduct

GlobalPost – 5 hours ago

By Curtis Skinner. SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) – The University of California Berkeley released new records that revealed 12 staff members violated the school’s sexual misconduct policy over the past five years, bringing the number of employees involved in …

UC Berkeley reveals more staff members involved in sexual misconduct – 5 hours ago

SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) – The University of California Berkeley released new records that revealed 12 staff members violated the school’s sexual misconduct policy over the past five years, bringing the number of employees involved in such cases over …

UC Berkeley reveals more staff members involved in sexual misconduct

WTVB – 5 hours ago

SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) – The University of California Berkeley released new records that revealed 12 staff members violated the school’s sexual misconduct policy over the past five years, bringing the number of employees involved in such cases over …

UC Berkeley reveals more staff members involved in sexual misconduct

WSAU – 5 hours ago

SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) – The University of California Berkeley released new records that revealed 12 staff members violated the school’s sexual misconduct policy over the past five years, bringing the number of employees involved in such cases over …

UC Berkeley reveals more staff members involved in sexual misconduct

KFGO – 5 hours ago

SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) – The University of California Berkeley released new records that revealed 12 staff members violated the school’s sexual misconduct policy over the past five years, bringing the number of employees involved in such cases over …

UC Berkeley reveals more staff members involved in sexual misconduct

WHTC – 5 hours ago

SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) – The University of California Berkeley released new records that revealed 12 staff members violated the school’s sexual misconduct policy over the past five years, bringing the number of employees involved in such cases over …

UC Berkeley reveals more staff members involved in sexual misconduct

Reuters – 5 hours ago

SAN FRANCISCO The University of California Berkeley released new records that revealed 12 staff members violated the school’s sexual misconduct policy over the past five years, bringing the number of employees involved in such cases over that time …

Report: 19 UC Berkeley employees violated harassment policy – 6 hours ago

BERKELEY (KRON) — New documents reveal sexual harassment may be more widespread than previously thought on the UC Berkeley campus, and questions are being raised Wednesday as to how staff members are being punished when they engage in …

Report: 19 UC Berkeley Employees Violated Sexual Harassment Policy

KQED – 6 hours ago

Documents released by UC Berkeley show 19 employees, including six faculty members, were found to have sexually harassed students, employees or both since 2011. The records obtained Tuesday by the East Bay Times after a Public Records Act request …

10 New UC Berkeley Sex Assault Cases Revealed

CBS Local – 6 hours ago

BERKELEY (KPIX 5) — A woman accusing a former UC Berkeley law school dean of sexual harassment says the school has kept quiet about years of abuse, with nearly a dozen new cases revealed Wednesday. Tyann Sorrell, an assistant to the former law …

Cal Diving Coach Punished For Sexual Harassment, Per School Report

SwimSwam – 7 hours ago

University of California – Berkeley diving coach Todd Mulzet was one of 19 employees who violated the university’s sexual misconduct policies since 2011, according to The East Bay Times. Stock Photo via Tim Binning/ · SwimSwam …

UC Berkeley dean’s accuser dismayed by new harassment revelations

SFGate – 7 hours ago

A former UC Berkeley School of Law assistant whose lawsuit alleging sexual harassment by Dean Sujit Choudhry prompted his resignation last month criticized the university’s handling of harassment cases Wednesday after records revealed a slew of new …

Disturbing details of sexual harassment scandal at UC Berkeley revealed in files

The Guardian – 7 hours ago

Notably, the documents show that all the employees who were fired for violating sexual harassment policies were staff members – and none were tenured professors. Photograph: Alamy. Sam Levin in San Francisco. @SamTLevin. Wednesday 6 April 2016 …

Report: 19 UC Berkeley employees violated harassment policy

KSNT (press release) (registration) (blog) – 8 hours ago

Kansas State basketball assistant coach, Alvin Brooks III, resigned to accept a coaching position at Baylor on Wednesday night. Jeff Idelson, Hall of Fame president, holds a World Series ring before a baseball …

Cal diving coach allegedly sexually harassed male employee

Sporting News – 10 hours ago

April 6, 2016 4:31pm EDT April 6, 2016 4:31pm EDT News, Swimming, English, College Sports Todd Mulzet, the swimming and diving coach at Cal, has been accused of sexually harassing a male employee for a year and a half. SPORT. Share. Tweet. Email.

UC Berkeley Swim Coach At Center Of Gay Scandal Just One Of Many Employees Accused Of Sexual Misconduct

Queerty – 11 hours ago

A popular swim coach at UC Berkeley has been accused of sexually harassing a male co-worker for nearly two years. But it looks like his case is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to alleged sexual misconduct violations committed by employees of …

Report: 19 UC Berkeley employees violated harassment policy

Daily News – 11 hours ago

BERKELEY — Documents released by the University of California, Berkeley show 19 employees, including six faculty members, were found to have sexually harassed students, employees or both since 2011. The records obtained Tuesday by the East Bay …

Report: 19 UC Berkeley employees violated harassment policy

Santa Rosa Press Democrat – 11 hours ago

BERKELEY — Documents released by the University of California, Berkeley show 19 employees, including six faculty members, were found to have sexually harassed students, employees or both since 2011. Related Stories. SRJC, SSU move to halt sexual …

UC Berkeley sex scandals: Record expose rampant violations

Oroville Mercury Register – 11 hours ago

BERKELEY — A trove of investigative and disciplinary documents released by UC Berkeley in the midst of an unfolding sexual harassment scandal reveals 19 employees — including six faculty members — were found to be in violation of the university’s …

Documents Detail UC Berkeley Employees Violating School’s Sexual Misconduct Policy

BuzzFeed News – 12 hours ago

Newly released documents detail how 19 employees were found in violation of the university’s sexual harassment policy since 2011. posted on Apr. 6, 2016, at 11:54 a.m.. Mary Ann Georgantopoulos. BuzzFeed News Reporter. Tweet. Tumblr. Stumble.

Cal diving coach fined $455.30 for sexual harassment

USA TODAY – 12 hours ago

The diving coach at the University of California-Berkeley, found to have sexually harassed a male employee at the school for at least a year a half, was docked $455.30 in lieu of suspension, according to documents released by the school Wednesday.

UC Berkeley sex scandals: Record expose rampant violations

Daily News – 13 hours ago

BERKELEY — A trove of investigative and disciplinary documents released by UC Berkeley in the midst of an unfolding sexual harassment scandal reveals 19 employees — including six faculty members — were found to be in violation of the university’s …

UC Berkeley draws fire over sex harassment case, law school dean steps down

San Jose Mercury News – 15 hours ago

BERKELEY — For the second time in five months, UC Berkeley is facing an outcry over its handling of a sexual harassment case involving a powerful faculty member: the dean of UC Berkeley’s law school, whose case came to light this week in a lawsuit …

Documents: UC Berkeley sexual harassment investigations

San Jose Mercury News – 15 hours ago

On Tuesday, UC Berkeley released investigative reports of 18 sexual harassment complaints against campus employees dating back to January 2010. The university prepared and released these public records in response a public records act request in …

UC Berkeley: 19 employees violated sexual harassment policy since 2011

Quad-Cities Online – 17 hours ago

BERKELEY, Calif. — A trove of investigative and disciplinary documents released by the University of California, Berkeley in the midst of an unfolding sexual harassment scandal reveal 19 employees — including six faculty members — were found to be …

More UC employees found to have violated school sexual harassment policy

KTVU San Francisco – 17 hours ago

BERKELEY. Calif. (KTVU) – New details are emerging about a number of previously undisclosed sexual harassment cases against UC Berkeley employees. The information came from documents released by the school, in response to a public records act …

UC Berkeley: 19 employees violated sexual harassment policy since 2011

Daily News – 18 hours ago

BERKELEY — A trove of investigative and disciplinary documents released by UC Berkeley in the midst of an unfolding sexual harassment scandal reveals 19 employees — including six faculty members — were found to be in violation of the university’s …

UC Berkeley sex scandals: Records expose rampant violations

San Jose Mercury News – 18 hours ago

BERKELEY — A trove of investigative and disciplinary documents released by UC Berkeley in the midst of an unfolding sexual harassment scandal reveals 19 employees — including six faculty members — were found to be in violation of the university’s …

UC Berkeley sex scandals: Record expose rampant violations

San Jose Mercury News – 19 hours ago

BERKELEY — A trove of investigative and disciplinary documents released by UC Berkeley in the midst of an unfolding sexual harassment scandal reveals 19 employees — including six faculty members — were found to be in violation of the university’s …

UC Berkeley sex scandals: Record expose rampant violations

San Jose Mercury News – 19 hours ago

BERKELEY — A trove of investigative and disciplinary documents released by UC Berkeley in the midst of an unfolding sexual harassment scandal reveals 19 employees — including six faculty members — were found to be in violation of the university’s …

19 campus employees violated UC sexual harassment policies in past seven years

Daily Californian – 21 hours ago

Sujit Choudhry, Geoffrey Marcy, Graham Fleming and Yann Hufnagel were all found by the Office for Prevention of Discrimination and Harssment to have violated UC sexual harassment policies. The publicizing of these investigations over the past year have …

Sexual Assault Complaints at Berkeley

Mirror Daily – 22 hours ago

(Mirror Daily, United States) – There has been a concerning number of sexual assault complaints at Berkeley University over the last couple of years. The individuals involved were respected faculty members. In the light of the recent events, the …

Report: 19 UC Berkeley employees violated harassment policy

Brown County Democrat – 22 hours ago

BERKELEY, Calif. — Documents released by the University of California, Berkeley show 19 employees, including six faculty members, were found to have sexually harassed students, employees or both since 2011. The records obtained Tuesday by the East …

UC Berkeley: 19 employees violated sexual harassment policy since 2011

Monterey County Herald – Apr 6, 2016

BERKELEY — A trove of investigative and disciplinary documents released by UC Berkeley in the midst of an unfolding sexual harassment scandal reveals 19 employees — including six faculty members — were found to be in violation of the university’s …

UC Berkeley: 19 employees violated sexual harassment policy since 2011

Monterey County Herald – Apr 6, 2016

BERKELEY — A trove of investigative and disciplinary documents released by UC Berkeley in the midst of an unfolding sexual harassment scandal reveals 19 employees — including six faculty members — were found to be in violation of the university’s …

UC Berkeley: 19 employees violated sexual harassment policy since 2011

Marin Independent Journal – Apr 6, 2016

BERKELEY — A trove of investigative and disciplinary documents released by UC Berkeley in the midst of an unfolding sexual harassment scandal reveal 19 employees — including six faculty members — were found to be in violation of the university’s …

UC Berkeley: 19 employees violated sexual harassment policy since 2011

Marin Independent Journal – Apr 6, 2016

BERKELEY — A trove of investigative and disciplinary documents released by UC Berkeley in the midst of an unfolding sexual harassment scandal reveals 19 employees — including six faculty members — were found to be in violation of the university’s …

UC Berkeley: 19 employees violated sexual harassment policy since 2011

Chico Enterprise-Record – Apr 6, 2016

BERKELEY — A trove of investigative and disciplinary documents released by UC Berkeley in the midst of an unfolding sexual harassment scandal reveal 19 employees — including six faculty members — were found to be in violation of the university’s …

UC Berkeley: 19 employees violated sexual harassment policy since 2011

Chico Enterprise-Record – Apr 6, 2016

BERKELEY — A trove of investigative and disciplinary documents released by UC Berkeley in the midst of an unfolding sexual harassment scandal reveal 19 employees — including six faculty members — found to be in violation of sexual misconduct …

UC Berkeley: 19 employees violated sexual harassment policy since 2011

Paradise Post – Apr 6, 2016

BERKELEY — A trove of investigative and disciplinary documents released by UC Berkeley in the midst of an unfolding sexual harassment scandal reveal 19 employees — including six faculty members — were found to be in violation of the university’s …

Documents: UC Berkeley sexual harassment investigations

Paradise Post – Apr 6, 2016

On Tuesday, UC Berkeley released investigative reports of 18 sexual harassment complaints against campus employees dating back to January 2010. The university prepared and released these public records in response a public records act request in …

UC Berkeley: 19 employees violated sexual harassment policy since 2011

Paradise Post – Apr 6, 2016

BERKELEY — A trove of investigative and disciplinary documents released by UC Berkeley in the midst of an unfolding sexual harassment scandal reveals 19 employees — including six faculty members — were found to be in violation of the university’s …

UC Berkeley: 19 employees violated sexual harassment policy since 2011

Paradise Post – Apr 6, 2016

BERKELEY — A trove of investigative and disciplinary documents released by UC Berkeley in the midst of an unfolding sexual harassment scandal reveal 19 employees — including six faculty members — were found to be in violation of the university’s …

Documents: UC Berkeley sexual harassment investigations

Santa Cruz Sentinel – Apr 6, 2016

On Tuesday, UC Berkeley released investigative reports of 18 sexual harassment complaints against campus employees dating back to January 2010. The university prepared and released these public records in response a public records act request in …

UC Berkeley: 19 employees violated sexual harassment policy since 2011

Santa Cruz Sentinel – Apr 6, 2016

BERKELEY — A trove of investigative and disciplinary documents released by UC Berkeley in the midst of an unfolding sexual harassment scandal reveal 19 employees — including six faculty members — found to be in violation of sexual misconduct …

UC Berkeley: 19 employees violated sexual harassment policy since 2011

Oroville Mercury Register – Apr 6, 2016

BERKELEY — A trove of investigative and disciplinary documents released by UC Berkeley in the midst of an unfolding sexual harassment scandal reveal 19 employees — including six faculty members — found to be in violation of sexual misconduct …

Report: 19 UC Berkeley employees violated harassment policy

Porterville Recorder – Apr 6, 2016

BERKELEY, Calif. (AP) — Documents released by the University of California, Berkeley show 19 employees, including six faculty members, were found to have sexually harassed students, employees or both since 2011. The records obtained Tuesday by the …

UC Berkeley sex scandals: Records expose rampant violations

San Jose Mercury News – Apr 5, 2016

BERKELEY — A trove of investigative and disciplinary documents released by UC Berkeley in the midst of an unfolding sexual harassment scandal reveals 19 employees — including six faculty members — were found to be in violation of the university’s …

Report: 19 UC Berkeley employees violated harassment policy

Lebanon Daily Record – Apr 5, 2016

BERKELEY, Calif. (AP) — Documents released by the University of California, Berkeley show 19 employees, including six faculty members, were found to have sexually harassed students, employees or both since 2011. The records obtained Tuesday by the …

Report: 19 UC Berkeley employees violated harassment policy

Sacramento Bee – Apr 5, 2016

Documents released by the University of California, Berkeley show 19 employees, including six faculty members, were found to have sexually harassed students, employees or both since 2011. The records obtained Tuesday by the East Bay Times …

Report: 19 UC Berkeley employees violated harassment policy

Beaumont Enterprise – Apr 5, 2016

BERKELEY, Calif. (AP) — Documents released by the University of California, Berkeley show 19 employees, including six faculty members, were found to have sexually harassed students, employees or both since 2011. The records obtained Tuesday by the …

Report: 19 UC Berkeley employees violated harassment policy

Chico Enterprise-Record – Apr 5, 2016

BERKELEY, Calif. (AP) — Documents released by the University of California, Berkeley show 19 employees, including six faculty members, were found to have sexually harassed students, employees or both since 2011. The records obtained Tuesday by the …

Report: 19 UC Berkeley employees violated harassment policy

Albany Times Union – Apr 5, 2016

BERKELEY, Calif. (AP) — Documents released by the University of California, Berkeley show 19 employees, including six faculty members, were found to have sexually harassed students, employees or both since 2011. The records obtained Tuesday by the …

Report: 19 UC Berkeley employees violated harassment policy

Paradise Post – Apr 5, 2016

BERKELEY, Calif. (AP) — Documents released by the University of California, Berkeley show 19 employees, including six faculty members, were found to have sexually harassed students, employees or both since 2011. The records obtained Tuesday by the …

Report: 19 UC Berkeley employees violated harassment policy

Merced Sun-Star – Apr 5, 2016

Documents released by the University of California, Berkeley show 19 employees, including six faculty members, were found to have sexually harassed students, employees or both since 2011. The records obtained Tuesday by the East Bay Times …

Report: 19 UC Berkeley employees violated harassment policy

Bryan-College Station Eagle – Apr 5, 2016

BERKELEY, Calif. (AP) — Documents released by the University of California, Berkeley show 19 employees, including six faculty members, were found to have sexually harassed students, employees or both since 2011. The records obtained Tuesday by the …

Report: 19 UC Berkeley employees violated harassment policy

TheReporter.Com – Apr 5, 2016

BERKELEY, Calif. (AP) — Documents released by the University of California, Berkeley show 19 employees, including six faculty members, were found to have sexually harassed students, employees or both since 2011. The records obtained Tuesday by the …

Report: 19 UC Berkeley employees violated harassment policy

Argus Press – Apr 5, 2016

BERKELEY, Calif. (AP) — Documents released by the University of California, Berkeley show 19 employees, including six faculty members, were found to have sexually harassed students, employees or both since 2011. The records obtained Tuesday by the …

Report: 19 UC Berkeley employees violated harassment policy

KSBY San Luis Obispo News – Apr 5, 2016

BERKELEY, Calif. (AP) – Documents released by the University of California, Berkeley show 19 employees, including six faculty members, were found to have sexually harassed students, employees or both since 2011. The records obtained Tuesday by the …

Report: 19 UC Berkeley employees violated harassment policy

Sacramento Bee – Apr 5, 2016

Documents released by the University of California, Berkeley show 19 employees, including six faculty members, were found to have sexually harassed students, employees or both since 2011. The records obtained Tuesday by the East Bay Times …

Report: 19 UC Berkeley employees violated harassment policy

Hastings Tribune – Apr 5, 2016

BERKELEY, Calif. (AP) — Documents released by the University of California, Berkeley show 19 employees, including six faculty members, were found to have sexually harassed students, employees or both since 2011. The records obtained Tuesday by the …

Report: 19 UC Berkeley employees violated harassment policy

Houston Chronicle – Apr 5, 2016

BERKELEY, Calif. (AP) — Documents released by the University of California, Berkeley show 19 employees, including six faculty members, were found to have sexually harassed students, employees or both since 2011. The records obtained Tuesday by the …

Report: 19 UC Berkeley employees violated harassment policy

Clay Center Dispatch – Apr 5, 2016

BERKELEY, Calif. (AP) — Documents released by the University of California, Berkeley show 19 employees, including six faculty members, were found to have sexually harassed students, employees or both since 2011. The records obtained Tuesday by the …

Report: 19 UC Berkeley employees violated harassment policy

Fairfield Citizen – Apr 5, 2016

BERKELEY, Calif. (AP) — Documents released by the University of California, Berkeley show 19 employees, including six faculty members, were found to have sexually harassed students, employees or both since 2011. The records obtained Tuesday by the …

Report: 19 UC Berkeley employees violated harassment policy

Fresno Bee – Apr 5, 2016

Documents released by the University of California, Berkeley show 19 employees, including six faculty members, were found to have sexually harassed students, employees or both since 2011. The records obtained Tuesday by the East Bay Times …

Report: 19 UC Berkeley employees violated harassment policy

CT Post – Apr 5, 2016

BERKELEY, Calif. (AP) — Documents released by the University of California, Berkeley show 19 employees, including six faculty members, were found to have sexually harassed students, employees or both since 2011. The records obtained Tuesday by the …

Report: 19 UC Berkeley employees violated harassment policy

Redding Record Searchlight – Apr 5, 2016

BERKELEY, Calif. (AP) – Documents released by the University of California, Berkeley show 19 employees, including six faculty members, were found to have sexually harassed students, employees or both since 2011. The records obtained Tuesday by the …

Report: 19 UC Berkeley employees violated harassment policy

Washington Times – Apr 5, 2016

BERKELEY, Calif. (AP) – Documents released by the University of California, Berkeley show 19 employees, including six faculty members, were found to have sexually harassed students, employees or both since 2011. The records obtained Tuesday by the …

Report: 19 UC Berkeley employees violated harassment policy

San Antonio Express-News (subscription) – Apr 5, 2016

BERKELEY, Calif. (AP) — Documents released by the University of California, Berkeley show 19 employees, including six faculty members, were found to have sexually harassed students, employees or both since 2011. The records obtained Tuesday by the …

Report: 19 UC Berkeley employees violated harassment policy

KTVN – Apr 5, 2016

BERKELEY, Calif. (AP) – Documents released by the University of California, Berkeley show 19 employees, including six faculty members, were found to have sexually harassed students, employees or both since 2011. The records obtained Tuesday by the …

Report: 19 UC Berkeley employees violated harassment policy

Greenwich Time – Apr 5, 2016

BERKELEY, Calif. (AP) — Documents released by the University of California, Berkeley show 19 employees, including six faculty members, were found to have sexually harassed students, employees or both since 2011. The records obtained Tuesday by the …

Report: 19 UC Berkeley employees violated harassment policy

SFGate – Apr 5, 2016

BERKELEY, Calif. (AP) — Documents released by the University of California, Berkeley show 19 employees, including six faculty members, were found to have sexually harassed students, employees or both since 2011. The records obtained Tuesday by the …

Documents released by the University of California, Berkeley show 19 employees, including six faculty members, were …

The Republic – Apr 5, 2016

BERKELEY, California — Documents released by the University of California, Berkeley show 19 employees, including six faculty members, were found to have sexually harassed students, employees or both since 2011. The records obtained Tuesday by the …

Report: 19 UC Berkeley employees violated harassment policy – Apr 5, 2016

BERKELEY, Calif. (AP) — Documents released by the University of California, Berkeley show 19 employees, including six faculty members, were found to have sexually harassed students, employees or both since 2011. The records obtained Tuesday by the …

Report: 19 UC Berkeley employees violated harassment policy

The San Diego Union-Tribune – Apr 5, 2016

BERKELEY, Calif. (AP) — Documents released by the University of California, Berkeley show 19 employees, including six faculty members, were found to have sexually harassed students, employees or both since 2011. The records obtained Tuesday by the …

Report: 19 UC Berkeley employees violated harassment policy – Apr 5, 2016

BERKELEY, Calif. (AP) — Documents released by the University of California, Berkeley show 19 employees, including six faculty members, were found to have sexually harassed students, employees or both since 2011. The records obtained Tuesday by the …

Report: 19 UC Berkeley employees violated harassment policy

San Francisco Chronicle – Apr 5, 2016

BERKELEY, Calif. (AP) — Documents released by the University of California, Berkeley show 19 employees, including six faculty members, were found to have sexually harassed students, employees or both since 2011. The records obtained Tuesday by the …

Documents released by the University of California, Berkeley show 19 employees, including six faculty members, were …

Greenfield Daily Reporter – Apr 5, 2016

BERKELEY, California — Documents released by the University of California, Berkeley show 19 employees, including six faculty members, were found to have sexually harassed students, employees or both since 2011. The records obtained Tuesday by the …

Documents released by the University of California, Berkeley show 19 employees, including six faculty members, were …

Daily Journal – Apr 5, 2016

BERKELEY, California — Documents released by the University of California, Berkeley show 19 employees, including six faculty members, were found to have sexually harassed students, employees or both since 2011. The records obtained Tuesday by the …

UC Berkeley: 19 employees violated sexual harassment policy since 2011

Daily Democrat – Apr 5, 2016

BERKELEY — A trove of investigative and disciplinary documents released by UC Berkeley in the midst of an unfolding sexual harassment scandal reveals 19 employees — including six faculty members — were found to be in violation of the university’s …

UC Berkeley: 19 employees violated sexual harassment policy since 2011

Monterey County Herald – Apr 5, 2016

BERKELEY — A trove of investigative and disciplinary documents released by UC Berkeley in the midst of an unfolding sexual harassment scandal reveals 19 employees — including six faculty members — were found to be in violation of the university’s …

UC Berkeley forming committee on sexual violence, harassment, assault – Apr 5, 2016

BERKELEY (KRON) — UC Berkeley’s chancellor is forming a committee on sexual violence, harassment, and assault. It follows a series of highly publicized sexual harassment and assault cases against students, staff, and faculty. Those incidents include …

UC Berkeley previously fired 7 employees for sexual harassment

SFGate – Apr 5, 2016

A UC Berkeley swim coach sexually harassed a male co-worker over an 18-month period in 2014 and 2015 — loudly describing him as “my boyfriend” at a swim meet, subjecting him to repeated sexual comments despite his objections, asking him “When are …

UC Berkeley sex scandals: Records expose rampant violations

San Jose Mercury News – Apr 5, 2016

BERKELEY — A trove of investigative and disciplinary documents released by UC Berkeley in the midst of an unfolding sexual harassment scandal reveals 19 employees — including six faculty members — were found to be in violation of the university’s …

Documents: UC Berkeley sexual harassment investigations

Daily Democrat – Apr 5, 2016

On Tuesday, UC Berkeley released investigative reports of 18 sexual harassment complaints against campus employees dating back to January 2010. The university prepared and released these public records in response a public records act request in …

Documents: UC Berkeley sexual harassment investigations

San Jose Mercury News – Apr 5, 2016

On Tuesday, UC Berkeley released investigative reports of 18 sexual harassment complaints against campus employees dating back to January 2010. The university prepared and released these public records in response a public records act request in …

UC Berkeley: 19 employees violated sexual harassment policy since 2011

Chico Enterprise-Record – Apr 5, 2016

BERKELEY — A trove of investigative and disciplinary documents released by UC Berkeley in the midst of an unfolding sexual harassment scandal reveal 19 employees — including six faculty members — were found to be in violation of the university’s …

UC Berkeley: 19 employees violated sexual harassment policy since 2011

Monterey County Herald – Apr 5, 2016

BERKELEY — A trove of investigative and disciplinary documents released by UC Berkeley in the midst of an unfolding sexual harassment scandal reveal 19 employees — including six faculty members — were found to be in violation of the university’s …

UC Berkeley: 19 employees violated sexual harassment policy since 2011

Daily Democrat – Apr 5, 2016

BERKELEY — A trove of investigative and disciplinary documents released by UC Berkeley in the midst of an unfolding sexual harassment scandal reveal 19 employees — including six faculty members — were found to be in violation of the university’s …

UC Berkeley: 19 employees violated sexual harassment policy since 2011

Paradise Post – Apr 5, 2016

BERKELEY — A trove of investigative and disciplinary documents released by UC Berkeley in the midst of an unfolding sexual harassment scandal reveal 19 employees — including six faculty members — were found to be in violation of the university’s …

UC Berkeley: 19 employees violated sexual harassment policy since 2011

Oroville Mercury Register – Apr 5, 2016

BERKELEY — A trove of investigative and disciplinary documents released by UC Berkeley in the midst of an unfolding sexual harassment scandal reveal 19 employees — including six faculty members — were found to be in violation of the university’s …

UC Berkeley: 19 employees violated sexual harassment policy since 2011

Daily Democrat – Apr 5, 2016

BERKELEY — A trove of investigative and disciplinary documents released by UC Berkeley in the midst of an unfolding sexual harassment scandal reveal 19 employees — including six faculty members — were found to be in violation of the university’s …

UC Berkeley chancellor announces new committee on sexual misconduct

Daily Californian – Apr 5, 2016

Chancellor Nicholas Dirks announced on Tuesday the new Chancellor’s Committee on Sexual Violence, Harassment and Assault, which will recommend improvements to all campus services and polices related to sexual assault and violence. In addition, the …

UC Berkeley: 19 employees violated sexual harassment policy since 2011

San Jose Mercury News – Apr 5, 2016

BERKELEY — A trove of investigative and disciplinary documents released by UC Berkeley in the midst of an unfolding sexual harassment scandal reveals 19 employees — including six faculty members — were found to be in violation of the university’s …

Chancellor announces new committee on sexual violence, harassment and assault

UC Berkeley – Apr 5, 2016

UC Berkeley Chancellor Nicholas Dirks today announced the formation of the Chancellor’s Committee on Sexual Violence, Harassment and Assault. The committee will examine and address culture issues and review and make recommendations for …

Chancellor announces new committee on sexual violence, harassment and assault

UC Berkeley – Apr 5, 2016

UC Berkeley Chancellor Nicholas Dirks today announced the formation of the Chancellor’s Committee on Sexual Violence, Harassment and Assault. The committee will examine and address culture issues and review and make recommendations for …

UC Berkeley’s sexist response to sexual harassment

San Francisco Chronicle – Apr 5, 2016

People stroll through Sproul Plaza in front of Sather Gate on the Cal campus in Berkeley. People stroll through Sproul Plaza in front of Sather Gate on the… UC Berkeley’s response to repeated allegations of sexual harassment is not only inadequate …

What Is Shaken Baby Syndrome?

Child abuse of any kind is despicable, and abusing infants is particularly heinous. Newborn babies are extremely fragile and require loving, attentive, and gentle parenting. Some babies are born with colic or other conditions that can cause fussiness, crying, and many sleepless nights for parents. When parents, babysitters, or other caregivers attempt to silence a crying baby by grabbing the baby’s arms and shaking him or her, they can do irreparable harm and even jeopardize the baby’s life.

Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS) refers to the intense harm that befalls shaken infants. SBS is often fatal, and, in most cases, perpetrators simply snapped and could not handle the frustration any longer. A parent or caregiver who causes SBS injuries to an infant will likely lose custody and face criminal charges.

Understanding Shaken Baby Syndrome

Because of their soft skull, babies’ heads are vulnerable and any rough physical attention can bring serious harm. A child who doesn’t understand this frailty or an adult who has lost patience because of an infant’s crying may unintentionally shake a baby, which can cause severe brain trauma. One of the worst aspects of this act is that a shaken baby will likely only keep crying, possibly spurring the perpetrator to shake the baby again.

When adults suffer traumatic brain injuries like concussions, the force of the injury causes the brain to strike the inside of the skull. Due to babies’ small size, shaking a baby causes his or her brain to violently shake back and forth inside the skull. This can damage the baby’s retinas or cause the veins that attach the brain to the skull to break. Within seconds, these broken veins and the resulting internal damage will cause blood to pool inside the skull and brain tissue to die. Brain cells swell as they die, crowding out the surviving cells and killing them as well.

A baby who suffers these injuries will likely experience oxygen deprivation and stop breathing. The lack of oxygen causes further brain damage, and all this can happen in mere seconds. Babies who experience these injuries rarely survive. If they do, they face lifelong complications and disabilities.

Recovery Options

It’s important to note that babies do not always display the typical symptoms of SBS. Children who suffer slight shaking injuries on a consistent basis often develop lethargy, vomiting, and other symptoms that mimic other medical conditions. Research indicates that doctors only positively identify SBS without physical symptoms in one out of every five cases.

New diagnostic tools are still in development, and some shaken babies can survive their injuries better than an adult would. A baby’s brain has more elasticity than an adult’s. This makes it easier to injure, but it also makes it easier for the baby brain to repair itself. Shaken babies may recover from SBS, but it is a long and difficult road that often entails psychological or developmental disorders.

Parents who are suffering from a colicky baby or one who they can’t seem to sooth should take breaks from caregiving and calling on family and friends for help. They should also carefully vet whoever they hire to watch their children. If your child is displaying symptoms of SBS and you think your caregiver might be at fault, contact our child injury attorneys for advice.

California Personal Injury Statue of Limitations

If someone suffers injuries or other damages due to the negligent actions of another person or entity, the injured party can seek compensation for those losses through a personal injury claim. Each state has unique laws concerning civil actions such as personal injury claims. It’s imperative that anyone considering filing a lawsuit knows their state’s statute of limitations for filing civil actions.

The statute of limitations exists to ensure preservation of evidence and witness availability. Witnesses’ memories fade and are no longer as reliable in court after two years. Evidence may deteriorate or go missing, and pivotal figures in a case may move out of the area or die. A strict statute of limitations helps prevent these issues and unnecessarily long litigation battles.

What Is the Statute of Limitations?

The statute of limitations is the time limit a plaintiff has to file a civil action against a defendant after suffering injury or economic loss. In California, the statute of limitations is two years for personal injury claims. This time limit usually starts ticking down on the date the plaintiff’s injuries or losses occurred, but there are exceptions. Some injuries and medical conditions may at first appear less severe than they truly are. Some medical issues do not manifest symptoms for months or even years, making it difficult for some plaintiffs to pinpoint the exact date an injury or illness occurred. In these cases, the statute of limitations begins on the “date of discovery,” or the date when the effects of an incident manifest.

Some cases still fall under the purview of personal injury law but have different statutes of limitations. For example, medical malpractice claims are negligence cases brought against doctors and other healthcare professionals for harming patients. California allows a three-year statute of limitations for medical malpractice claims following the date of injury, or one year following the date of discovery. The date of discovery statute of limitations extends to three years for injured children between the ages of six and eight.

The statute of limitations is much shorter when filing a civil action against any public organization or government agency. In California, plaintiffs have 180 days starting on the date of injury or date of discovery to file notices of personal injury claims and must do so before pursuing a lawsuit. If a plaintiff fails to meet this notice deadline, the defendant agency will likely file a motion to dismiss the case.

Seek Reliable Legal Counsel

An injured person who is considering filing a lawsuit for his or her injures and other damages should meet with a reliable, experienced personal injury attorney as soon as possible. The statute of limitations is just one of the many deadlines plaintiffs must meet to successfully file a civil action. A good attorney will help clients meet their filing deadlines and issue their complaints within the statute of limitations and other applicable time limits.

Our Oakland personal injury lawyers will also be able to help an injured client assess all the avenues of compensation available after getting hurt. Since some injuries and medical conditions do not immediately manifest symptoms, it can take quite a long time before a patient reaches his or her maximum possible recovery and can see the full scope of the injury and its effects. Additionally, the two-year statute of limitations will help an attorney find every possible defendant in a client’s case and sue all of them to maximize his or her client’s recovery.

Types of Workplace Harassment

The workplace has evolved greatly since the 1950s. Gone are the days when it was perfectly acceptable for men to have a lunchtime martini and hire a secretary based on looks alone. While not every company has reached the era of full inclusion on all levels, many companies are taking great strides in eliminating discrimination and curbing certain rampant stereotypes. California has also played a large role in each company coming into compliance with employment regulations.

Employees throughout the state of California have rights under California law which prohibit discriminatory or harassing behavior. The California Fair Employment Practices Act was signed by the governor in 1959 and was aimed at protecting employees by prohibiting employment discrimination on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, and ancestry. The Act has evolved over the decades to take into consideration new forms of discriminatory, but still serves the same purpose: to protect employees from discrimination and harassment in the workplace.

Workplace harassment include discrimination based on the following:

  • Race and color
  • National origin/ancestry
  • Sex
  • Marital status
  • Religion
  • Age
  • Disability

Workplace harassment can take many forms and can be as minor as an inappropriate joke or as hostile as physical interaction.

The following include the types of verbal and physical harassment which can occur:

  • Derogatory statements
  • Offensive or vulgar statements
  • Display of offensive artwork or other material
  • Obscene jokes
  • Inappropriate physical contact

The California Department of Fair Employment and Housing implements the procedures for upholding the law and prohibiting employment discrimination. An employee who has been the victim of workplace harassment based on discrimination can file a complaint with the Department. The Department will carefully review the complaint and determine whether the harassment rises to the level of unlawful behavior. If the Department determines that the complaint can move forward, the Department will serve the harasser (the Respondent) with the complaint.

The Respondent will then be required to answer the complaint, and from that point will be encouraged to negotiate a settlement. If no settlement can be reached throughout the process, the Department may take the complaint to district court.

If the Department did not accept your complaint alleging workplace harassment, you are always entitled to file a claim in court at any time. Additionally, workplace harassment which reaches the level of physical contact could also lead to criminal charges, as the California Penal Code classifies assault as a misdemeanor offense. Victims of workplace harassment therefore have several open avenues after the harassment takes place.

It is important to recognize that even small comments can rise to the level of workplace harassment and might subject the employee to civil fines and penalties under the California Fair Employment and Housing Council. It has taken decades for workplaces to become more welcoming of employees of all backgrounds, and the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing has been a major source of reform to protect employees from harassment. Victims of harassment need to always come forward with evidence of discriminatory actions by the employees or employers to ensure this type of behavior does not continue in the future.

What is “Quid Pro Quo” Harassment?

Despite the leaps and bounds the country and the state of California have made in terms of employment harassment, it continues to occur on a daily basis, especially in the workplace. “Quid pro quo” literally translates from Latin as “something for something” and was a term to describe one transfer as contingent upon the other. The early form of quid pro quo was based in contract law, where one person would exchange something of value for something else of value. However, in recent years, the term has become associated with workplace sexual harassment.

“Quid pro quo harassment” is a defined term in the California Fair Employment & Housing Council Regulations as “explicit or implicit conditioning of a job or promotion on an applicant or employee’s submission to sexual advances or other conduct based on sex.”

This is the type of harassment that we hear about all too often in the community and actually makes employees spiteful rather than sympathetic. This is a very real form of harassment and not only belittles the employee, but also the company itself. Quid pro quo harassment is a very big issue facing employees throughout California.

Sexual harassment of any type is unlawful in California and a victim is not required to proof a sustained loss of “tangible job benefits” to establish harassment. Depending on the level of harassment and whether physical contact was involved, the employer may also face criminal charges. The California Penal Code provides that misdemeanor sexual battery charges can lead to a fine up to $3,000 and possible imprisonment in county jail of up to 6 months.

California holds employers to a higher standard than normal violators of sexual harassment, since employers should always have the best interests of their employees in mind. Employers have a high standard of care to their employees, and the perception that they are taking advantage of their position, and evidence that they used their position to coerce sexual favors, could lead to direct criminal charges.

As such, a victim of quid pro quo harassment has several options open to them: file a complaint under the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing, file a claim in civil court, or file criminal charges (depending on the type of conduct in question).  The California Department of Fair Employment and Housing offer employees with an avenue to attempt negotiation and mediation after quid pro quo harassment. However, if the Department does not believe that the harassment rose to the level of breaking the law, you may have to file a claim in court yourself.

Unfortunately, the effects of quid pro quo harassment often linger with victims. Employees may face a litany of abuse from coworkers following the quid pro quo harassment. The rumors run rampant on these types of harassment claims, putting an employee’s professional career in jeopardy. It is therefore important that victims of quid pro quo harassment come forward the first time they experience any type of abuse in the workplace. The more victims of quid pro quo harassment come forward, the more these types of harassers will be held accountable for their actions.

Perhaps one day, “quid pro quo” will return to the old Latin contractual phrase that really means a bushel of grain for one hen. However, there is still a long road to go to get to that point.

What to Do If You Are Being Sexually Harassed at Work

It seems like such a simple question – “what do you do if you are being sexually harassed at work?” But for so many victims throughout California, the answer is anything but simple. While sexual harassment of any nature is a horrendous crime and violation that can cause lingering emotional damage on the victim, sexual harassment in the workplace causes a different type of internal anxiety.

Sexual harassment in the workplace often comes with more baggage than an anonymous sexual harassment encounter since the workplace is seen by so many as a safe environment. You come to work every day and do your job, typically without the worry of an imminent attack. Your employer is charged by the state with a duty to keep you and all other employees safe from discrimination and safe from any inappropriate conduct.

As difficult as it might be, it is important for any victim of sexual harassment to report the incident immediately. The longer you delay in reporting this type of conduct, the higher the likelihood that it will occur again, and may occur to someone else.

If your company has not proved helpful in eliminating sexual harassment in the workplace after reporting the incident, or if you are worried about the implications of reporting the harassment to your superiors, the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing has procedures in place to assist.

First, you must fill out a “pre-complaint inquiry” within one year from the date of the harassment, which will then be reviewed by a member of the Department to determine whether the harassment has risen to the level of illegality. Once the initial inquiry is received by the Department, an investigator will be assigned to review the details of the discrimination/harassment. You will need to be prepared to discuss the facts of the incident and any documents which corroborate your complaint.

If the complaint is accepted by the Department, it will then be delivered to the person who committed the harassment or discriminatory behavior (the “respondent”). The respondent is legally required to answer your complaint.

At any time during the process, the two parties may decide to go through negotiation. If both parties cannot come to an agreement, the Department will examine the facts of the case to determine whether breach of law occurred during the harassment.  If a law was violated, then both parties are required to go to mediation.

At this point, if no resolution is in sight, you are entitled to file a lawsuit in district court. It is important to keep in mind that if the Department does not accept your complaint, you still have the option of bringing a claim in district court against the respondent. The Department will only accept complaints which violate the California Fair Employment and Housing Act, and even harassing behavior may not always rise to that level.

Victims of sexual harassment also have the opportunity to pursue criminal charges in severe situations. California prohibits sexual assault and battery, and both are misdemeanor offenses which can lead to fines and potential jail time. In the end, the victim of sexual harassment has the sole responsibility for reporting the harassment to the appropriate authorities, either state or internal employers. Without reporting, victims run the risk that the harassment will continue, or others will also be subject to the harassment.

What Is Traumatic Subarachnoid Hemorrhage?

Brain injuries are a leading cause of motor vehicle accident-related deaths. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention:

  • In the U.S., 1.7 million people sustain a TBI each year. Of these, 52,000 lose their lives and 275,000 require hospitalization.
  • Emergency departments treat and release around 80% of people who sustain a TBI.
  • TBI is a contributing factor in about 33% of all injury-related deaths in this country.

It’s unfortunate that so many sufferers of TBI report to the ER for treat-and-release since many symptoms of a TBI don’t fully manifest until hours or even days after the incident. An example of this is a rare but serious complication called traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage.

What Is Traumatic Subarachnoid Hemorrhage?

A subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) is when there’s bleeding into the space between the surface of the brain and one of its coverings (arachnoid). This space is usually filled with cerebrospinal fluid, and bleeding usually occurs when small arteries in the area tear, causing widespread detrimental effects. Trauma is the leading cause of spontaneous SAH, though the majority of Traumatic SAH (tSAH) is due to ruptured brain aneurysm.

Though tSAHs can be devastating, they’re relatively rare. The incidence rate in North America is only about 28 in 100,000.

Risk Factors for tSAH

Any traumatic head injury will increase your risk for SAH, but there are a few other factors that play a role, including:

  • High blood pressure
  • Smoking
  • Using oral contraceptives
  • Pregnancy
  • Cocaine abuse

A SAH also occurs in 20–40% of people who sustain a moderate or severe head injury.

Symptoms of SAH

Most people with tSAH reported a headache of sudden and severe onset. These patients will describe it as “the worst headache of their lives,” and patients report this symptom in approximately 97% of cases. Other symptoms include nausea, vomiting, loss of consciousness, blurry vision, and neck stiffness.

Diagnosis and Treatment

If you or a loved one experience any of the above symptoms, seek immediate emergency medical care. Doctors will likely order a CT scan to detect the presence of bleeding in the brain. In some cases, patients may require a lumbar puncture. Once your doctors determine the cause and location of the bleeding, they’ll immediately begin treatment. This depends largely on the underlying cause of the injury, but it may include surgery to stop the bleeding and preserving vital organ health and function.

Outcomes for tSAH

Medical technology has done a lot to help patients who suffer from traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage. Despite medical breakthroughs, however, about 33–50% of patients who sustain this type of brain bleed will die or be left with declined brain function. A patient’s prognosis depends on how bad the initial bleed was, how soon it was treated, and which complications develop.

No two head injuries are exactly the same. All patients recover at different rates and to varying degrees. Recovery from head injury follows a particular process, but the rate at which a patient progresses through the process varies by individual. Helping a loved one through a tSAH takes time and patience, as recovery from these injuries can take months or even years.

What You Can Do

If your loved one is struggling with the side effects of a subarachnoid hemorrhage, you may feel helpless. This is normal. Remember, you’re not alone. If loved ones are resting or in a coma, be by their side, hold their hand, and talk to them. Even if they’re not responding, they may be able to hear and understand you. If you have any other questions about subarachnoid treatment or rehabilitation, talk to your loved one’s health care provider.

Understanding the Signs of Sexual Abuse by a Coach

Parents trust coaches to be guides and mentors to their children. Unfortunately, there are a few individuals who take advantage of their position of authority. Sexually abusive relationships between coaches and their players aren’t uncommon and have similar warning signs. Knowing these red flags will help parents identify and intervene in inappropriate relationships. Signs of potential sexual abuse in a coach include:

Inappropriate Gifts or Attention

Molesters typically start with a “grooming” phase in which they devote extra attention to their target. This could come in the form of inappropriate gifts, extra attention, or seemingly innocuous (but still inappropriate) personal contact. Examples may include:

  • Giving one player more attention than the rest
  • Acting differently in private than in front of others
  • Attempts to control the child
  • Trying to gain your favor or trust
  • Telling your child not to talk about encounters they have
  • Giving one player gifts

Unfortunately, a child may not know the behavior is inappropriate until it crosses the line. Even then, molesters are master manipulators – they may make your child feel it’s his or her fault or that the child is to blame for their behavior. It’s essential for parents to keep an eye out for these grooming signs and keep an open dialogue with their children. Speak with a San Diego molestation lawyer for more information if your unsure of the signs of abuse.

Warning Signs of Sexual Abuse

If a coach has initiated a sexually abusive relationship with your child, you may notice behavioral changes. Keep in mind, physical warning signs are rare, especially in the early days when an assailant might be grooming a child for abuse. These warning signs might not signal sexual abuse, but they should be taken seriously, no matter the circumstances. Most warning signs of sexual abuse are difficult to detect, but be cautious if your child begins acting out of character or exhibiting the following symptoms:

  • A decrease in personal hygiene
  • Anxiety or depression
  • Self-mutilation or suicidal behavior
  • Acting more distant or distracted than before
  • Mood swings
  • Sudden changes in behavior or eating habits
  • Adult-like sexual behavior
  • Drawing or writing about sexual topics or frightening images

The presence of one or several of these warning signs does not necessarily mean there is sexual abuse, which makes reporting your suspicions difficult. If you believe a coach is abusing your child, you may not have proof, but you can intervene immediately by withdrawing your child from the activity and initiating a conversation with your child about this person. It may be helpful for him or her to see a counselor. If your child admits to any inappropriate contact to you or a counselor, it’s time to report the abuse.

Reporting Child Abuse

Reporting suspected sexual abuse may be uncomfortable, but it’s vital. The law requires some professionals to report suspected abuse. These include physicians, teachers, coaches and assistant coaches, school staff, and more. Failure to report sexual abuse is a crime under “mandatory reporting” laws, and someone who fails to report sexual abuse may face fines or jail time.

The law considers parents “permissive reporters.” These are people who report sexual abuse voluntarily, and the courts cannot punish them for failing to report. It’s important to realize, however, that you won’t be punished for reporting – even if the allegations prove to be false. As a voluntary reporter, you’ll have immunity from liability as long as you make your report in good faith.

When in Doubt, Report

One of the strongest tools against sexual abuse is early reporting. By intervening as soon as possible, you may save more than a child’s innocence and mental health – you may save a life. Reporting isn’t always easy, but it’s right. This is why the state offer anonymous reporting tip lines. Find where to report abuse by county.

Remember, there’s no punishment for reporting, but certain professionals may face misdemeanor charges for failing to report. If you have any other questions about reporting sexual abuse, whether by a coach or anyone else, talk to our Oakland personal injury attorneys with experience in California family law.

Social Media And Workplace Harassment

In today’s technology-driven world, we’ve moved beyond water-cooler gossip. With email and social media, we can instantly share information with fellow employees. This also opens a world of possibilities for workplace bullying. Using Facebook messenger, Twitter, Instagram, or Snapchat, employees can send offensive messages in seconds. While many employees may just dismiss their harassment as a joke, we know there is a fine line between the point where joking ends, and harassment begins.

Types of Social Media Harassment

There are several forms of social media harassment. At work, here are some of the most common offenders:

  • Virtual harassment, such as friending a person on Facebook and sending offensive comments vis messenger.
  • Sending lewd Snapchats.
  • Cyberstalking, which is the act of obsessively following someone on their social media networks and blogs.

Employees may also erroneously believe that some forms of offensive electronic communications do not constitute workplace harassment (for example, if they send messages from their personal smartphone). It doesn’t matter whether the device is personal or if the harassment isn’t on company time – employers still have a responsibility to make sure that their workplaces are free of discrimination and intimidation.

Examples of Social Media Harassment

These legal cases highlight the importance of a social media and workplace harassment policy:

  • In 2012, an employer was ordered to pay $2.3 million to settle a lawsuit filed by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission regarding sexual harassment. The case began when a store manager sent sexual text messages to one of his employees.
  • The courts awarded another employee $1.6 million because they were continually harassed online outside of the workplace for their disability. The employee in question reported the harassment to management, but they didn’t take action. Since management was aware of the harassment and didn’t stop it, they were liable for the damages.

As you can see, it’s essential for employers to create comprehensive social media use policies to protect both their employees and the well-being of their companies.

From a legal standpoint, electronic harassment is a form of employment discrimination that may be a violation of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as well as the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, or the Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990. Harassment is defined as any conduct that is based on sex, religion, national origin, age, disability, or race. Employers may be liable if they are complicit in the origin or continuation of this unwelcome conduct.

Creating a Workplace Social Media Policy

Employers must take steps to articulate clear social media use policies. These policies should address electronic communication in all its forms and ensure that employees understand the scope of their responsibilities. It’s not OK for employees to harass one another under any circumstances. Employees must also understand that there is no expectation of privacy when it comes to communication between two employees.

Consider adding an addendum to your current harassment policy that includes all forms of electronic communications. Remind your employees that all forms of harassment are unlawful, and might result in termination. Consider conducting an electronic harassment prevention workshop to ensure all of your employees are on the same page.

Reporting Social Media Harassment

Above all, employees should feel comfortable reporting all forms of harassment. Make it clear to your employees that there will be no retaliation for reporting electronic harassment, either as a bystander or a victim.

Having a clear policy will go a long way in preventing social media harassment in the workplace. Despite this, employers should still be prepared to discipline harassers in a timely fashion, especially if they don’t want to be liable for damages.

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